>> Wow, really?  Then why wouldn't RedHat or CentOS have a fixed updated

>> version in their repo?  That seems egregious if what you say is indeed the
>> case.
> RedHat (and CentOS, since their whole mission is to match RHEL
> feature-for-feature and bug-for-bug) believes that their Enterprise Linux
> customers value consistency over currency. They release updates to patch
> security holes, but their general attitude is that if Red Hat 5.0 shipped
> with foo_1.1.3 in 2007, then Red Hat 5.7 should also ship with foo_1.1.3
> because their customers may have whole workflows built around the way
> foo_1.1.3 handles a specific command flag and foo_1.2.7 may have changed
> that. If necessary, they'll backport security patches from later versions
> of foo back to the current, leading to RPM names like foo_1.1.3-17.el5_7
> -- but they won't add feature changes unless absolutely unavoidable.

Sure, but the point is that my spamassassin and per-Net-DNS (where the
error is happening?) are up to date from the CentOS repo.... so shouldn't
they work without an error when spamassassin restarts?

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