Paul Russell <> wrote:

>On 3/12/2012 12:58, Simon Loewenthal wrote:
>>  At first glance:
>> This is private black list of email assesses maintened by many.  Free
>to use, but it'll turn into a huge file for a server to parse.
>>  Eventually we moved from hosts files to DNS :)
>>  I should rather block content not email addresses. 
>The list was originally started by a group of email administrators in
>higher education who 
>were attempting to deal with an epidemic of compromised accounts that
>were being exploited 
>to send password phishing spam, mostly to addresses at other colleges
>and universities. At 
>that point in time, it was easier to filter by sender address or
>reply-to address than 
>content. Over time, the phishers seem to have expanded the target
>demographic to include 
>everyone everywhere.

The list could be accessed by DNS and used as an rbl. 
Dogs are tough. 
I've been interrogating this one for hours and he still won't tell me who's a 
good boy. 
  simon@klunky / / .org

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