On 8/16/2012 1:01 PM, Jim Schueler wrote:
I've noticed that this problem is ongoing, my upgrade to 3.3.2 notwithstanding.

To restate the question: My mailbox contains between 10-20 false positives every morning. Before reporting them, I pass them through the spam assassin filter again. About 20-25% are flagged as spam the second time through.

The most obvious explanation, which I should've raised the first time, is that these entries get added to the BL databases during the intervening 6-8 hours. If so, this understanding will be very helpful.

Can anyone weigh in?

Thanks again!
If the code isn't throwing an error, then yes, I would say the lag on BL entries is rearing up.

I would mention specific BLs and specific URIs/URLs and check the listing databases to confirm.


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