On 8/22/2012 10:26 AM, Axb wrote:
> On 08/22/2012 04:10 PM, Ben Johnson wrote:
>> I did end-up overriding the bayes_path, which provided a workaround for
>> the permissions issues. Cheers to the suggestion.
> This is not a workaround, it's common practice in many types of setups
> and documented, but due to numerous reasons can't be set as a default.
> If the install routine would require/create a
> /etc/mail/spamassassin/bayes path it could bite "other" systems than
> standard Linux distros.
> (note to myself: discuss this in dev list)

Right; it makes sense that this path cannot have a default value (other
than ~/...).

That said, it seems that for some users (myself included), setting this
path manually is a critical step in creating a maximally functional
(that is, Bayes-enabled) SpamAssassin installation. This would be
especially true if the SA developers were to change the
"bayes_auto_learn" default value to zero, or lower the default value for
"bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam" (as a result of my "incident" here).

For this reason, it seems prudent for developers/contributors to take
one of two actions (or both):


Add the "bayes_path" directive to the default/stock "local.cf" that
ships with SpamAssassin, in a commented-out state. I realize that this
file may be maintainer/distribution specific, and that there are
attendant challenges associated with such a change.

This measure would underscore the directive's importance for the
administrator who is configuring the software.


Where possible, modify the SpamAssassin installer package to prompt the
user for the "bayes_path" during installation. These types of prompts
are common among related packages. For example, Postfix asks for all
kinds of information during its installation (on Debian-based systems,

Again, I realize that the SA developers likely have no control over how
the software is packaged and delivered, so if this point seems valid, I
am happy to open distro-specific bug reports (or feature requests).

Thanks, Axb.


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