On Fri, 2012-12-28 at 16:51 -0800, Sean Tout wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thank you much for the help. I have been trying to avoid executing
> spamassassin shell commands from perl since it takes a significant amount of
> time~=12 seconds for each email. I have tried the below script, which works
> but of course not in a favorable especially for processing 20,000+ emails in
> spfiles folder.
> @files = </home/sean/code/spam/spfiles/*>;
> my $outfile = '>>mailrep_out.txt';
> open (MYFILE, $outfile);
> foreach $file (@files) {
>    $cmd = "spamassassin --test-mode < ".$file." >>mail_out.txt";
>    system ($cmd);
> }
> close(MYFILE);
> Regards,
> -Sean.
As, from this, it seems that you have already got the messages held as
individual files in the /home/sean/code/spam/spfiles/ directory, why not
feed them directly to spamd with a small bash script:

for m in /home/sean/code/spam/spfiles/*
        spamc <$m | pipeline to analyse and store spamd replies

which should run a lot faster than calling spamassassin directly because
spamd will only need to be loaded once at the start of the run.

... or did I miss something obvious?


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