On 2/21/2013 9:03 AM, Jeff Mincy wrote:
Well, I trust the network not to lie.  This is more of an omission....
Your Clinton-esque logic likely doesn't apply here ;-). The land of RFC's works to avoid this type of logic in a language I call RFC-eeze.

See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt which is an RFC about language in RFCs.
    How good is your perl and maybe you can solve it in MIMEDefang before
    it's sent to SA?

Yea, I expected this was going to be the answer.   It would have to be
a procmail filter that calls out to a script.  Yuck.
Frightening indeed.  Procmail still gives me nightmares.
I could always whine to Rcn about it, maybe they'll fix it.
I think that's a good move to at least try! It truly sounds more like a DNS error that they might know be are is occurring.


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