Yes!  That's exactly it.

Another thing I'd like to do, if possible, is check to see if the "From" 
address matches the "return path" and add to the spam score if they do not 
match.  I know they won't match completely in some cases, but a way to check if 
the same pattern, exists both in the Return Path AND the From 

Anthony Hoppe 
IS Support Technician II 
Menlo Park City School District 
(650) 321-7140 ext. 5272 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Warren" <>
Sent: Friday, March 1, 2013 11:38:30 AM
Subject: Re: Rule to check To and/or CC headers

On 3/1/2013 11:26, Alexandre Boyer wrote:
> There is no silly question. Just noobs. FYI: most of the time, I'm a noob.
> I do not understand your question: To or Cc headers are recipients. Do
> you want to compare the name portion to the address portion?
> eg: To: "Alex Boyer" <>
> If Alex matches the local part in the address, then it's OK? else it's not?
> This would be a bad idea.
> Whatever... the important thing is : if you want to compare with SA, you
> have to write a plugin. There is no way one can compare, say, a
> signature in the body and the ToCc headers without a module.
> Or if there is a way, I am willing to learn it!

I suspect he wants to check to see if the RCPT TO (the actual recipient) 
is named in the TO or CC headers, and score based on this decision.

Dave Warren

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