On 08/14/2013 05:31 PM, Nigel Smith wrote:
> Actually Axb, these are my current rules, so I might not be as wrong 
as you think......
> # ITS Local
> header ITS_RCVD_IN_ZEN            eval:check_rbl('zen', 'zen.dnsbl.')
> describe ITS_RCVD_IN_ZEN          Received via a relay in Spamhaus Zen
> tflags ITS_RCVD_IN_ZEN            net
> reuse  ITS_RCVD_IN_ZEN
> scoreITS_RCVD_IN_ZEN30.0

>THIS rules is wrong!
>see the difference to what i posted and Bowie's comment
>you DON'T want deep header check on all of ZEN

Well, I guess that's a fairly convincing argument. ;-)

I'll roll out fresh configs this evening and see how things go.

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