Quoting "Kevin A. McGrail" <kmcgr...@pccc.com>:

On 6/9/2014 1:23 PM, Patrick Domack wrote:
I have been tracking this for about 2 weeks now myself.

Comparing my list of new domains, shows that DOB seems to pick them up after they are 2 days old.

I also tried to compair my list to fresh.spameatingmonkey.net, but none of my domains in the 0-5days old would get a match for com/net domains. I do get some hits for info and us though. But it's normally com and a few us that are on my lists.

I am currently doing a whois lookups for about 30 tld's, and tracking their time and registar. I do minimize the lookups.

I am currently seeing, about 2 .asia, 2 .uk, and then around 100 .com (all the .com are ENOM) sending email to me, with an age <1day old. This is pretty consistant day to day.
I wonder how we can use DNS, an RBL and distributed lookups to get the age of domains AND share the information so it's centrally available...

That could be easily done. Only issue is, if you trust the distributed lookups to have accurate infomation. I suppose we could build in a trust system, where if enough distributed clients upload the same info, it could be trusted.

This could work out pretty good. Each dns-rbl cluster could run with their own shared database, and you can cross-publish to other dns-rbl clusters, and set your own trust rating, depending on how many copies you get, on if you trust the info, or do your own whois lookup for the info.

Bad thing is, I wonder how fast these are hammers out, and if the trust and replication wouldn't matter, due to latency.

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