On 07/02/2014 02:02 AM, Axb wrote:

....and don't count on that - they may do it the first week, new toy,
but for how long?

Not new. They'd previously been training SA with Evolution for some years. I have some confidence in many of them doing it right.

Also: take in mind each user's Bayes folder also get a a bayes_seen file
which grows and grows and grows and never gets truncated.

Well, I have the maximum bayes toks set at 2,000,000. Is bayes_seen likely to become a problem with ~100 users and 4TB of disk space?

My largest email volume user has accumulated only 320k of "seen" in 10 days. And I assume that repeat spams don't add to it.

Do you really want to spend time watching each user's Bayes?

Not really. But I'll do whatever is necessary.


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