
Spam fluctuates - sometimes I'll go hours without a spam and sometimes
I'll get 15 in the course of five minutes.  But since I added spamhaus,
it *seems* like less spam is coming through.  I'll have to give it a
whole day before I'm sure, but at least it's promising.


On Mon, 14 Jul 2014, Matthew Newton wrote:


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 05:44:41AM -0400, Pat Traynor wrote:
Thanks, Bob.  I've added to my list.

For what it's worth, looking at the last 7 days of logs here, of
the total rejections: 75% was rejected due to being listed on
Spamhaus lists, whilst 3% was rejected because of SpamAssassin
(the rest will be address unknown, ClamAV, etc).

SpamAssassin does a great job scoring mail, but it is best used in
the right place. Testing against Spamhaus first makes its life
much easier!

Note that Spamhaus has limits on its free use -



Matthew Newton, Ph.D. <>

Systems Specialist, Infrastructure Services,
I.T. Services, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, United Kingdom

For IT help contact helpdesk extn. 2253, <>

Pat Traynor

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