Of course I fell into an old trap and didn't read before I hit send...
corrections below:

Michelle Sullivan wrote:
> The SORBS DUHL is just dynamics.
* With the obvious caveat that networks of the world are always changing
so listings may be changed to static from time to time and SORBS just
plays catchup. (ISPs can administer their own lists as well - without
SORBS input - hitting the support form and seeing 'immutable' is where
the ISP has set it)

> The SORBS PBL is just by policy should not be sending email (or have DNS
> or Webservers on them)
The SORBS 'PBL' doesn't exist (I used the acronym so you (and others)
would understand it's purpose..  It's the SORBS 'No Servers' list.

Unlike the Spamhaus PBL it contains addresses *only* maintained by the
ISPs.. SORBS Staff *DO NOT* add or remove *ANY* address from it.



Michelle Sullivan

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