Pat Traynor wrote:
> I'm using Postfix for mail.  I've done some research and implemented
> several changes in my file with directives such as
>       smtpd_recipient_restrictions
>       smtpd_sender_restrictions
>       smtpd_helo_restrictions
> and the like.

The smtpd_recipient_restrictions is a superset of all of the others.
I put all of my restrictions there.  It might be good to pastebin the
entirety of your smtpd_recipient_restrictions section.

You don't mention DNSBLs.  If you are not using them then that would
be a large lever to improve your anti-spam efforts.  I highly
recommend doing at least this in smtpd_recipient_restrictions:


You can read about the zen DNSBL here:


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