On Mon, 28 Jul 2014 09:10:40 -0700
Ted Mittelstaedt <t...@ipinc.net> wrote:

> Or are we just going to end up with an Internet in about 10 years
> where every single email box is either on Microsoft 365 or Gmail and
> the NSA has a wonderful interface to use to hunt through whatever
> they want without bothering with a warrant?

I don't think every single mailbox will be like that, but sadly a lot
will.  A number of things are conspiring to cause this:

1) Gmail is actually pretty good at filtering spam.  I can't speak for
MSFT since I don't use it.

2) Especially in North America, companies are short-sighted and go for
quick fixes and things that look cheap up-front without considering
the long-term costs.

3) Especially in North America, people don't see the value in learning
technology.  They want simple, spoon-fed solutions and they love the
word "oursourcing".  Sorry if (2) and (3) are not PC, but the slag against
North Americans is based on my personal experience. :)  And hey, I'm Canadian
so I can dis my own crowd...

4) Most non-technical small businesses equate "Mail Server" with
"Microsoft Exchange", and Microsoft has steadily been making Exchange
more and more of a PITA to administer.  Each new version of Exchange
breaks things and requires learning new procedures.  Combine that with
(3) and we see that MSFT is using on-premise Exchange as a trojan
horse to get people on O-365.  The huge pool of "managed service
providers" that recommend MSFT solutions is by-and-large staffed
by incompetents who are only too happy to shove their customers
onto O-365 and collect kickbacks every month.

We will be left in a niche market with people who really understand
the value of controlling their own email.  It'll be a much smaller
market, but (I hope) a more discerning and intelligent one.



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