--As of August 11, 2014 10:00:34 AM -0400, David F. Skoll is alleged to have said:

On Mon, 11 Aug 2014 06:45:24 -0700
"Andy" <a...@opticaltoys.com> wrote:

If I'm sounding like a leech, that's because in this case I would very
much like to be.  :o)

I have "fired" paying customers for behaving like you.  It's even worse
to abuse a community of free software users and authors.

Paid spam filtering is cheap.  If the spam filtering you receive from
your hosting provider is inadequate, either switch providers or pay
for spam filtering from someone else.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

He's being polite, and trying to understand if he's getting good service from his hosting provider, while dealing with a product that's above his technical level. I really don't see what the problem is.

Daniel T. Staal

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