Yes, I have read the docs but I was not sure if SA,
when used through Amavis, would use such option.

Nevermind, I pushed up the log verbosity of my DNS
caching service and it looks like SA is using it.
So, problem solved :-).


Best regards,

On 02.12.2014 13:18, Axb wrote:


there it is


dns_server ip-addr-port (default: entries provided by Net::DNS)
         Specifies an IP address of a DNS server, and optionally its port
         number. The *dns_server* directive may be specified multiple
         each entry adding to a list of available resolving name
servers. The
         *ip-addr-port* argument can either be an IPv4 or IPv6 address,
         optionally enclosed in brackets, and optionally followed by a
         and a port number. In absence of a port number a standard port
         number 53 is assumed. When an IPv6 address is specified along
with a
         port number, the address must be enclosed in brackets to avoid
         parsing ambiguity regarding a colon separator,

         Examples : dns_server dns_server dns_server
         []:53 dns_server [::1]:53

         In absence of *dns_server* directives, the list of name servers is
         provided by Net::DNS module, which typically obtains the list from
         /etc/resolv.conf, but this may be platform dependent. Please
         the Net::DNS::Resolver documentation for details.

You don't need to specify one unless you need the specials in the config

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