
@Mark: thanks for the explanations about Amavis/SA.

@Reindl: thanks, I am indeed using unbound as a DNS
caching server. Interesting the option 'minimal-responses',
I would check that.


On 02.12.2014 14:16, Mark Martinec wrote:
Matteo Dessalvi wrote:
I have a short question about the dns_server option of SA.
Is this option used when SA is called from Amavis and there
isn't any spamd process running?

Yes it is.

To be more clear: should I also be forced to add the IP
address of the caching DNS server to /etc/resolv.conf
or the option would be sufficient?

The dns_server only affects SpamAssassin. If you want other
applications on that host to also use the same recursive
name server, its address needs to be in /etc/resolv.conf.
For example DKIM validation is done by amavisd calling
Net::DNS directly, which has no idea about SpamAssassin
settings. Similarly a milter or MTA.


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