On 2014-12-03 15:55, Noel Butler wrote:
On 04/12/2014 00:28, Greg Troxel wrote:

I use slackware, yes its releases come with latest versions of most things, and
updates move with upstreams due to slackwares philosophy and releases are
maintained for usually 5 or more years, but even then, the packages can't cater
for all configurations, since its no hassle using upstream sources, it wont
break anything, and if I only need  X and Y built into a binary, I *know* only X
and Y is built in, not massive bloat in having A-W, and Z as well, so updating
perl for instance is a no brainer should I desire, I have requested the -current
repo be updated to 5.20.1 fopr benefit of all slackers, but if I can a rejection
on that request, it'll take all of 20 mins to install the bastard from source
myself :)  (well last time I built it it took 20 mins - might be tad longer now
days lol)

Speaking of footnotes, I don't have teeny tiny eyes for reading teeny tiny print. Could you please use a slightly larger font? The world is not uniformly made up of hairy chested (lose me right there) 20-40 year old (lose me there, too) wunderkinds. Thank you in advance.


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