On 2014-12-04 13:29, Bob Proulx wrote:
jdow wrote:

Speaking of footnotes, I don't have teeny tiny eyes for reading teeny tiny
print. Could you please use a slightly larger font? The world is not
uniformly made up of hairy chested (lose me right there) 20-40 year old
(lose me there, too) wunderkinds. Thank you in advance.

I guess you are reading the text/html alternative?  I personally read
the text/plain alternative.  Then the text is rendered in my MUA's
choice of fonts which I control.  :-)

If you read the text/plain version of the message you would never have
noticed the html alternative and would have read all of the text in
the font of your choice.  Plain text is for me the most accessible.


Unfortunately I have customers ....


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