On 12/15/2014 12:34 PM, Herbert Eppel wrote:
On 15.12.2014 17:27 UK Time, Joe Quinn wrote:
On 12/15/2014 12:20 PM, Herbert Eppel wrote:
I use QiQ.co.uk for web hosting and associated e-mail services. QiQ offer SpamAssassin as an integrated feature that is accessible via cPanel -- see screenshot below.

In view of the fact that some of my domains are increasingly inundated with spam, I would like to reduce the SpamAssassin score from the default value of 5 to a lower value, in order to make SpamAssassin more 'aggressive'. However, I don't really want to enable Spam Auto-Delete because I want to be able to check the spam folder for false positives, but apparently there is no way to change the setting without simultaneously enabling the "Spam Auto-Delete" function.

Am I missing something?

Thank you

Herbert Eppel

You'll need to ask QiQ. SA is only a classifier. It takes an email as input and outputs score results, plus a modified email with spam headers.

I would also caution against lowering the score threshold more than 0.5 or so. There's a point where it goes from "catching more spam" to "catching more of everything".

Thanks for your reply.

I already asked QiQ support. They asked me to ask SA :-)

Here is their reply:
/I will take a look at the filter but would imagine if that is how Spam Assassin made the program that way, then there is nothing we can do to change it, though contacting Spam Assassin for advice may be the way forward, as we do not provide Spam Assassin, it is a part of cPanel - both third party programs./

The question remains: How can I change the SA score without simultaneously enabling the "Spam Auto-Delete" function?

Perhaps I need to ask cPanel support?

Herbert Eppel
(bringing this back on list)

Quite likely. I am not familiar enough with cPanel to know the level of configuration it gives, but my educated guess would be that it's up to QiQ to configure their install of cPanel. It shouldn't hurt to ask cPanel people anyway, even if it's just for them to say exactly what options QiQ should set that opens the option to classify without discard.

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