On 15.12.2014 20:16, Herbert Eppel wrote:
> On 15.12.2014 18:03 UK Time, Joe Quinn wrote:
>> On 12/15/2014 12:34 PM, Herbert Eppel wrote:
>>> On 15.12.2014 17:27 UK Time, Joe Quinn wrote:
>>>> On 12/15/2014 12:20 PM, Herbert Eppel wrote:
>>>>> I use QiQ.co.uk for web hosting and associated e-mail services.
>>>>> QiQ offer SpamAssassin as an integrated feature that is accessible
>>>>> via cPanel – see screenshot below.
>>>>> In view of the fact that some of my domains are increasingly
>>>>> inundated with spam, I would like to reduce the SpamAssassin score
>>>>> from the default value of 5 to a lower value, in order to make
>>>>> SpamAssassin more 'aggressive'. However, I don't really want to
>>>>> enable Spam Auto-Delete because I want to be able to check the
>>>>> spam folder for false positives, but apparently there is no way to
>>>>> change the setting without simultaneously enabling the "Spam
>>>>> Auto-Delete" function.
>>>>> Am I missing something?
>>>>> Thank you
>>>>> Herbert Eppel
>>>>> www.HETranslation.co.uk
>>>> You'll need to ask QiQ. SA is only a classifier. It takes an email
>>>> as input and outputs score results, plus a modified email with spam
>>>> headers.
>>>> I would also caution against lowering the score threshold more than
>>>> 0.5 or so. There's a point where it goes from "catching more spam"
>>>> to "catching more of everything".
>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>> I already asked QiQ support. They asked me to ask SA :-)
>>> Here is their reply:
>>> /I will take a look at the filter but would imagine if that is how
>>> Spam Assassin made the program that way, then there is nothing we
>>> can do to change it, though contacting Spam Assassin for advice may
>>> be the way forward, as we do not provide Spam Assassin, it is a part
>>> of cPanel - both third party programs./
>>> The question remains: How can I change the SA score without
>>> simultaneously enabling the "Spam Auto-Delete" function?
>>> Perhaps I need to ask cPanel support?
>>> Herbert Eppel
>>> www.HETranslation.co.uk
>> (bringing this back on list)
>> Quite likely. I am not familiar enough with cPanel to know the level
>> of configuration it gives, but my educated guess would be that it's
>> up to QiQ to configure their install of cPanel. It shouldn't hurt to
>> ask cPanel people anyway, even if it's just for them to say exactly
>> what options QiQ should set that opens the option to classify without
>> discard.
> Ooops, I didn't realise I had replied privately. Thanks for your
> further reply.
> Is there another way to access the SA score setting, outside cPanel?
> Herbert Eppel
> www.HETranslation.co.uk

SpamAssassin has global settings in text files in the server, and also
*possibly* user definable settings also in a text file(s) in the disk of
the server. If you have a home directory the server (shell access) *and*
QiQ has configured SpamAsassin to allow user configured settings, then
yes. If neither of these options evaluate to "yes" then no.


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