On Tue, 24 Feb 2015 22:56:08 +0100
Yves Goergen wrote:

> Am 24.02.2015 um 22:00 schrieb Axb:

> > I'd definitely suggest you enable the Spamhaus & SURBL rules.
> They have strange TOS that actually forbid using them for more than a 
> single mailbox. Otherwise you need to pay for it. 

That's not what it says on their websites, SURBL has a 1000 user limit,
and spamhaus has limits on lookups.

> My data centre 
> provider wrote an interesting posting about the current situation in 
> their closed customer forums. They're in a bad position as long as 
> customers still access Spamhaus services from their network.

They have to pay because they're a business that sells email. 

If you have your own mail server with a dedicated IP address, and do
your own DNS lookups, I don't you'd  have to pay unless you're selling a
commercial email service. The problem some people run into is sending
their dns queries through a shared dns cache which aggregates look-ups
on a single IP address.  

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