Thanks a lot for the explanation Mark, it was very clear.
It would be a good idea considering to add that to the
perldoc of the BayesStore/ module.


On 27.02.2015 14:55, Mark Martinec wrote:

When redis automatically expires tokens internally based on their
TTL, this operation does not affect nspam and nham counts. These
counts just grow all the time (as there is no explicit expiration
that SpamAssassin would know about), reflecting the count of
(auto)learning operations.

Don't worry about large nspam and/or nham counts when redis is
in use, all that matters is that these counts are above 200
(otherwise bayes is disabled).

You may get the number of tokens that are actually in the redis
database (not expired) by counting the number of lines produced
on stdout by 'sa-learn --backup' or 'sa-learn --dump data'.

The format of fields produced by --dump data is:

   probability  spam_count  ham_count  atime  token

The --backup format is similar, but does not provide
probabilities, just spam and ham counts.

To get some estimate on the number of hammy vs. spammy tokens
(not messages) currently in a database, try something like:

   sa-learn --dump data' | \
     awk '$1<0.1 {h++}; $1>0.9 {s++}; END{printf("h=%d, s=%d\n",h,s)}'

(caveat: sa-learn --backup or --dump data may not work on a huge
database, as they need all the tokens (redis keys) to fit into memory)


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