Am 26.03.2015 um 12:18 schrieb Kevin A. McGrail:
For example, in the scenario where server A sends a virus to your server
B, my opinion is that I have a duty to act to protect the public at
large and go "this is a virus, send a dsn 200 and silently discard"

and send the DSN to the forged sender - that's not "ignores the community responsibility you have as an IT administrator" - you have the duty to block that message, respond with a pretty clear text that it was rejected because malware (in the best case *which* malware) and the delivering MTA will send the bounce to his user

if the delivering machine is not a MTA but a botnet using forged senders it won't send a NDR to the victim - the receiving MTA producing NDR's would send to the victim of the forged envelope

been there short ago by receive 600 backscatters about messages i never sent

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