On 03/26/2015 08:43 AM, David F. Skoll wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Mar 2015 12:09:58 +0100
> Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:
>> why in the world would a reject *before queue* trigger a backscatter
>> or bounce on my side?
> How do you do before-queue rejection of a message that is...
> 1) Directed to multiple recipients...
> 2) Some of which have different spam thresholds or have even opted-out?
> Solve that problem, and then I agree with you.  And saying "well, don't
> let different end-users have different settings" is not a solution.
> Neither is "tempfail all recipients but the first so the message
> is transmitted one time for each recipient."

If one of your customer domains has non-default settings, give them
their own IP address and a separate MX record pointing to that address.
Then if a multi-recipient message is addressed to someone in that
domain, the sending MTA will split the message before sending it
(because it's headed to a different server, as far as the MTA knows).

Your pre-queue filter can then switch settings depending on the IP
address, and should satisfy your criteria above.

Obviously it's a little annoying to set up an MX for every such domain,
but you can charge a little PITA fee for domains that want special

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