On 04/16/2015 02:15 PM, Mark Martinec wrote:
I don't agree with moving a DCC rule into a __* rule or setting
its score to a near zero. I find DCC hits useful as they are now:
contributing to the overall score, bit not so large as to make
a major effect by themselves.

Am 16.04.2015 um 14:55 schrieb Axb:
FWIW; I totally agree with Mark

...and so do I...

On 16.04.15 15:00, Reindl Harald wrote:
0.5 should be enough for a rule hitting *any* bulk mail which is not spam just because it's bulk - a simple mailing list message would also fall into "bulk" because a lot of people get the same mail but expect to receive it

You can lower your score to 0.5 if you wish, so what are you complaining

every single rule that does not start with T_ and __ can puth your score
over (any) limit...

1.1 is low enough not to score too broadly and I am happy having DCC because
it helps very often to push mail over required score.

The whole fact that it can hit non-spam mail is logical - if it could not,
its score would be >=5.0

if you haven't lowered required_score much below 5.0, every FP should have
more hits from more rules, so you can create metas, whitelist or change
particular scores.

1.1 is very good for DCC, I could even live with higher one.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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