On Wed, 2015-05-13 at 10:12 -0400, Kris Deugau wrote:
> Chris wrote:
> > Is there a way to turn off queries to SORBS so I don't keep seeing this
> > in my logs:
> > 
> > error (connection refused) resolving
> > '':
> > 
> > I have Bind9 setup as a caching name server and am using as my
> > DNS.
> Are you seeing problems with the actual lookups failing, or just upset
> about the log noise?
> I get a fair volume of similar failures in my own log on my personal
> server (4 live accounts, ~500 messages daily, most spam;  log since
> weekly rotation on Sunday):
> [root@hex ]# grep 'connection refused' /var/log/messages|grep sorbs|awk
> '{ print $10; }'|sort|uniq -c
>       2
>      79
>      74
>      40
> yet the actual lookups don't fail, they fall over to another upstream
> server.
> If it's really that big a problem, you can suppress all such log
> messages in the BIND config.  Depending on which syslog daemon you're
> using, you may be able to suppress only the SORBS failures from reaching
> the log file.  I'm not sure, but you may even be able to tell BIND to
> either not log failures only for SORBS, or never attempt lookups off of
> the failing servers in the first place.
> -kgd

Not upset about the 'noise', to my untrained eye it looks to me as if
the lookups are failing:

chris@localhost:/var/log$ grep 'connection refused' /var/log/syslog|grep
sorbs|awk '{ print $10; }'|sort|uniq -c
      1 '':
      1 '':
      1 '':
      1 '':
      1 '':
      2 'aftershock.sorbs.net/A/IN':
      2 'cannonball.sorbs.net/A/IN':
      2 'ns0.sorbs.net/A/IN':
      1 'ns2.sorbs.net/AAAA/IN':
      3 'ns2.sorbs.net/A/IN':
      1 'ns4.sorbs.net/AAAA/IN':
      3 'ns4.sorbs.net/A/IN':

The above is just from todays syslog starting at 7:40 this morning.

Here's yesterdays:

chris@localhost:/var/log$ grep 'connection refused' /var/log/syslog.1|
grep sorbs|awk '{ print $10; }'|sort|uniq -c
      1 '':
      2 '':
      1 '':
      2 '':
      1 '':
      2 '':
      1 '':
      1 '':
      1 '':
      1 '':
      1 '':
      3 '':
      1 '':
      1 '':
      1 '':
      1 '':
      1 '':
      2 '':
      1 '':
      1 '':
      1 '':
      1 '':
      1 '':
      2 'ns0.sorbs.net/AAAA/IN':
      2 'ns0.sorbs.net/A/IN':

I really don't want to suppress the syslog entries nor do I not want to
query SORBS, I would just like to figure out why the connection is

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