On 2015-06-27 15:00, Jo Rhett wrote:
In the meantime, is there a mail client for Yosemite which does work? I tried Thunderbird, and while it is capable it’s more than 15 clicks and manual hand editing to send a report. The two key combinations was far easier to use.

I'm not sure if Thunderbird is otherwise hobbled on OSX, but on my OS, CTRL+U (View Source) will bring up the original message, and if you add the "Forward" button to your toolbar, you can "Forward as attachment" in two clicks (to create a message with the currently selected message(s) already attached)

What are you doing that takes 15 clicks?

You still need to address the report and add comments, but since this needs to be done regardless of client, I don't care to count these steps.

Also, you can set the default forward method if you only intend to forward email as an attachment and want the extra click for when you're forwarding inline.

Dave Warren

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