Ben wrote:
> On 27/06/2015 23:00, Jo Rhett wrote:
>> All versions of Yosemite have removed all functionality for sending
>> abuse reports to helpdesks.
> Jo,
> You're making a few mountains out of molehills here !
> They have not "removed all functionality", they have removed ONE function.
> There is nothing stopping you using the raw source shortcut and copy/paste.
> Yes, its unfortunate they have removed the "two shortcut" method, but
> opt-cmd-U followed by a select all and paste is not exactly difficult.

I can't speak about the specifics of this particular change, but
anything that makes it harder to trivially forward a message,
*unaltered*, as an attachment, is raising the threshold for general ISP
end users to Do The Right Thing, on an operation that is all too easy to
do wrong (and therefore render the report much less useful).

Several versions of Apple Mail also seem to randomly QP-encode the
attached message (or ever weirder, one or two messages in a set in the
same forward!).

Back to telling customers "Save as raw message, attach the file to a new

-kgd, wearing the "ISP spam filter report wrangler" hat

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