On 18/08/2015 06:32, sebast...@debianfan.de wrote: 

> Where do you get your blacklist-data?
> Am 17.08.2015 um 14:38 schrieb MailBlacklist.com Management:

In fairness to them, that might be commercially sensitive, for instance
the service I part manage uses internally gathered over many years,
until couple years ago when a service probably well known to many here I
cant name since its under NDA, offered us a URI feed to add to it, so 2K
URI's became 10K, we since have a few more smaller URI lists sent to us
as well, and no, I wont tell you what our service is because that would
be spamming :D ... and maybe sending the spammers some ammunition. 

As Bill rightly mentioned, using any BL service requires trust,
understanding, and acceptance of its workings and policies, since mine
is central to particular ISPs, although used by many now, it still has
listing policies that would never make the grade in SA, for me I prefer
the stricter policies, less spammers, less jackasses. 

So I don't think asking them where their data comes from is reasonable,
but it is reasonable to know their history, eg: ours lists for smtp came
about like in '02/'03 (URI lists was couple years after that) in house
for an ISP, and we kept it up since, it was only after we both changed
employers few years back, we got its own public domain, so perhaps these
guys will offer up a similar history, who knows. 

However, I echo Axb's and Bills comments, coming in here 2 weeks after
regoing the domain and saying "hey come use us" - is a lot more than a
"bit" sus to me. 

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