>From: MailBlacklist.com Management <managem...@mailblacklist.com>

>Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 7:38 AM
>To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
>Subject: MailBlacklist.com Integration Testing Phase

>---- Spam Assassin & MailBlacklist.com Integration Testing Phase 1 ----

>We would like to welcome users of the Spam Assassin project to test our high 
>availability DNS-RBL / DNS-RWL >within their configurations.

Got these rules in testing with a score of 0.01.  I filter for about 100K 
mailboxes and I am not seeing reliable results.  I am seeing the majority of 
messages hit this BL being clean messages with a very low score.


The above IP was an email from hgtv.com from a reliable sender sailthru.com 
(valid unsubscribe process).  Note the other RBLs on the link above that match 
mailblacklist.com.  That IP was listed in DNSWL and Mailspike WLs that are 
usually pretty reliable.

My MTA (Postfix with Postscreen) is knocking down most of the spam using other 
RBLs so what makes it to SpamAssassin is going to be 98 percent clean.  So far 
(it's early still for them and my testing), I don't think it's going to improve 
anything over Spamhaus and Invaluement RBLs and only produce a lot of false 

I would like to hear from others that may be testing to see if our results are 


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