Reindl Harald <> writes:

> RPM packages are not supposed to contact network *3rd party*
> ressources at install time and when you think 1 second you know why -
> who tells you that the 3rd party ressource is available at that moment
> and how handle errors and bugreports when it fails?
> that will never happen in a distribution package - no idea why you
> think we need to discuss that or even you can consider something as
> bug when you obviously have no expierience with distributions..

In pkgsrc, it is also considered a bug for a package installation to use
the net.   Our spamassassin package doesn't, and users have to run
sa-update before starting it after upgrades.   This seems broken to me;
it seems that a release should come with rules, even if we know that
people should be updating to more modern ones.   This seems to be a
recent change; I don't remember getting bit by it until just now.

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