lol I KNEW youd that cause you just cant help yourself, trying to draw
attention away from yourself, but thats OK every person whos come
across you knows better,  a simple google of your name shows an
immense number of your vitriol  on many many lists.

the bannings youve had from many many lists shows a pattern of abuse,
it takes a bit to piss off Weitse, but you managed to do it and even
he banned you from postfix list, not to mention some of the centos and
fedora lists, roundcube, dovecot, youve even had a warning in here
from Karsten,  also I wonder why an unbound user joins the bind list,
given time youll be booted from there too because you cant help
yourself, youve been at it for years

I could go on but id be here all month, and next month, and the month after

On 9/16/15, Reindl Harald <> wrote:
> Am 16.09.2015 um 04:25 schrieb Nick Edwards:
>> On 9/15/15, Reindl Harald <> wrote:
>>> Am 15.09.2015 um 00:05 schrieb Nick Edwards:
>>>> On 9/15/15, Matus UHLAR - fantomas <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 12.09.15 15:27, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>>>>>>> and no, i am not the package maintainer but the first person who
>>>>>>>> would

>>>>>>>> file a bug for *any* package which rely on a internet connection
>>>>>>>> due
>>>>>>>> update
>>>>>> Am 14.09.2015 um 17:25 schrieb Matus UHLAR - fantomas:
>>>>>>> in such case it's up to the distributions' maintainer to:
>>>>>>> - provide static rules in the (maybe separate) package
>>>>>>> - to warn user that he must immediately get new rules or the SA
>>>>>>> won't
>>>>>>> work
>>>>> On 14.09.15 18:40, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>>>>> it is a SA 3.4.1 bug that it don't start when
>>>>>> /var/lib/spamassassin/3.004001/ while the package ships the static
>>>>>> rules in /usr/share/spamassassin/
>>>>>> with the original 3.4.0 setup it started just fine before sa-update
>>>>>> as i installed all that stuff a year ago
>>>>>> if you would have followed the thread before response you would know
>>>>>> that already
>>>>> I see this particular information for the first time.
>>>>> Maybe you could point me to proper place in the archive?
>>>>> Or maybe you could be more specific instead of blame everyone for
>>>>> everything?
>>>>>> - and no that is not rude, you have no idea how i sound
>>>>>> if i start to get rude
>>>>> the fact you don't feel being rude does not mean you are not.
>>>> Rude, arrogant, abusive, and obnoxious is all he knows, he's been
>>>> kicked off many many mailing lists, and spends most his time here now
>>>> Timo has finally moderated him on dovecot list, he has a huge track
>>>> record of thinking he's not a bully and does nothing wrong, you only
>>>> need 30 seconds of google to see otherwise.
>>> don't remember that i asked *you* especially after you are so much more
>>> personally abusive as anybody else - the list of your personal attacks
>>> is bookmarked, so don't play saint and shut up
>> what  a dreamland you live in, I'm not half as much an abusive
>> arsehole as you are, and google shows it
> you are - period

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