Hi all.

I'm getting hit with lots of JUNK mail that has multiple lines with just a '.' on several lines [0]. Most of the JUNK email has at least 5 and at most 10 lines (so far) with just this '.' character somewhere in the middle of the message.

I've copied the message source to RegexBuddy [1] and have been able to come up with a regex that matches what I want using the Perl 5.20 engine:


However, adding this rule to /etc/spamassassin/local.cf doesn't hit at all when I run it against my test message as follows:

===== Start Rule Block =====
rawbody __MANY_PERIODS_1 ALL =~ /(^\.\n){5,}/
score MANY_PERIODS 2.0
describe MANY_PERIODS JUNK mail with several lines that contain single dot
===== End Rule Block =====

===== Begin Test Command =====
spamassassin -L -t test.msg
===== End Test Command =====

Please help me understand what I'm doing wrong as this is my first attempt at creating a rule. Previously I've just copied and pasted what I've found here in the forums, but this time I'm trying to do it myself but failing.


[0] - http://pastebin.com/NwrwCKjZ
[1] - http://www.regexbuddy.com/create.html

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