Am 22.09.2015 um 19:43 schrieb Philip Prindeville:
I’m using SA with MdF on Linux (Fedora 22).

MdF generates the header “Return-Path: <mail-from>” for me, so that should be 
available to me in the rules.

To test this, I wrote a couple of rules:

header __L_EMPTY_SENDER         EnvelopeFrom:addr !~ /./
header __L_MATCH_SENDER         EnvelopeFrom:addr =~ /.*/

sorry, but you need to understand what the envelope-from is

hint: it exists *always* because it's the "MAIL FROM" command long before data and don't depend on headers, nice when your MTA adds a Envelope-Header, normally it's he Return-Path and the sender *do not have* any business to deal with that

if it is empty it's <> aka Null-Sender and you really don't block that because you violating RFC's, block sane autoreplies usng it to prevent mail-loops and the subject indiactes one thing; you donät really understand how email works

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