On Sep 24, 2015, at 4:12 AM, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:

> Am 23.09.2015 um 19:24 schrieb Philip Prindeville:
>> Stating facts here, not giving an opinion. Not sure what’s up for debate.
>>> if it is empty it's <> aka Null-Sender and you really don't block that 
>>> because you violating RFC's, block sane autoreplies usng it to prevent 
>>> mail-loops and the subject indiactes one thing; you donät really understand 
>>> how email works
>> Rejecting messages based on their content PERIOD is violating the RFC’s.  
>> What’s your point?
> do what you want - a empty envelope from is not a sign of spam

I never said it was.

What I said was that when it’s coming from a server that doesn’t except inbound 
messages (and hence can’t generate bounces) THEN it’s a sign of Spam.

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