Am 24.05.2016 um 18:49 schrieb Nick Howitt:
I'm using SpamAssassin v3.3.1-3 on ClearOS 6.7 (a CentOS derivative) and
I believe it is invoked by amavis-new. I have a whitelist line in

    whitelist_from * *
    * * *

most of them has SPF, others maybe DKIM or both

so don't use "whitelist_from" which opens the door for forging senders and completly bypass your filter for no good reason

just use "whitelist_auth" instead

In e-mail headers from I get the following:

dunno about your issue, maybe amavisd is part of it
URIBL_BLOCKED - you really really should fix that

it harms your results masive since you mostly get nor responses from DNSBL, DNSL and also builtin DNSWL which are in palce to reduce false positives

*never* use a forwarind/ISP nameserver for a inbound MX

This looks OK with the X-Spam entries.

From I get:

In this case there are no X-Spam entries, as if whitelisting completely
bypasses spamassassin but both go through amavisd-new. Can you help me
understand what is happening?

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