On 09/12/2016 10:53 AM, li...@rhsoft.net wrote:
> Am 12.09.2016 um 17:51 schrieb thomas cameron:
>> I rolled a new mail server out for my small business, and I've got a
>> pretty vanilla SA setup. It's just not doing a very good job of catching
>> spam. I'm getting a TON of "Amazon gift card" and "female hair loss" and
>> "work from home" spam in my inbox. I feel like if I see one more e-mail
>> about Blake Shelton, I'm gonna scream
> train your bayes proper with enough ham *and* spam and do it with the
> user spamassassin runs

Yeah, I have a cron job that does that.

0 2 * * * sa-learn --mbox --spam $HOME/mail/spam
1 2 * * * sa-learn --mbox --spam $HOME/mail/super-spam
2 2 * * * sa-learn --mbox --ham $HOME/mail/ham

I hesitate to run --ham against my inbox because so much spam is getting
through, so I copy a bunch of stuff over to the ham folder and train
from there.

Any other tips welcome!


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