Until you have a trained Bayes ham/spam set you can only really wait and train. And ensure you take regular updates

On Mon, 12 Sep 2016, thomas cameron wrote:

Howdy, all -

I rolled a new mail server out for my small business, and I've got a
pretty vanilla SA setup. It's just not doing a very good job of catching
spam. I'm getting a TON of "Amazon gift card" and "female hair loss" and
"work from home" spam in my inbox. I feel like if I see one more e-mail
about Blake Shelton, I'm gonna scream.

Is there a good tuning/config page anywhere? Last time I messed with SA,
I used www.spamtips.org. It's pretty old, though, so I imagine there are
better ways. I also used to use rules du jour, but I read that that's
old and not maintained any more.

What do you guys recommend for tuning? It's been so long since I really
dove deep into SA, you can just assume I'm starting from scratch.

Many thanks!

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