On Sat, 2016-09-24 at 00:15 -0500, Dave Funk wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Sep 2016, Lindsay Haisley wrote:
> > 
> > On Fri, 2016-09-23 at 19:03 -0400, listsb-spamassas...@bitrate.net
> > wrote:
> > > 
> > > consider that, to do the work described as "forwarding" in many of
> > > these references, the nameserver must perform a recursive query [e.g.
> > > it must perform a query with the rd bit set].
> > "A forwarding DNS server offers the same advantage of maintaining a
> > cache to improve DNS resolution times for clients. However, it actually
> > does none of the recursive querying itself. Instead, it forwards all
> > requests to an outside resolving server and then caches the results to
> > use for later queries."
> > 
> > What am I missing?
> > 
> > Justin Ellingwood, who wrote the DigitalOcean piece, is a very
> > experienced documenter. From his rather impressive resume, I'd be
> > inclined to trust what he posts.
> This is the difference between asking a question (formulating a query 
> potentially with the "want recursion" bit set) and then doing the work of 
> chasing down all the different stake-holders necessary to answer the 
> question (performing the recursive query)
> VS handing the query off to a 3'rd party and letting them do the dirty 
> work (forwarding)


I apologize for double posting, and for missing responses to my posts.
I'm busy, and only got onto this list to inquire about blocking a
particular kind of spam with which I've been having a problem. I
shouldn't have gotten involved in a discussion on name servers. 

I'm outa here :)


Lindsay Haisley       | "It is better to bite a single
FMP Computer Services |    cannibal than to curse the doggies"
512-259-1190          |
http://www.fmp.com    |        -- John Day

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