Thanks all who replied to my question, sorry for the late reply. 

It seems this was a temporary error on the senders DNS servers (I assume
as I've only seen this issue on their email). Rerunning spamassassin on
the same message now doesn't trigger NO_DNS_FOR_FROM. 

Thanks Matus, yes I know the MX isn't the same as the senders IP, in
Exim if the sending IP PTR doesn't match a subsequent lookup of the
returned FQDN in the PTR then Exim marks the mail as being sent from a
server without rDNS (even though a PTR exists) and therefore triggers
RDNS_NONE in spamassassin. Not sure if this behaviour is typical in
other SMTP servers. 

Thanks also RW for the tips about "-D" and envelope_sender_header
documentation. Noted for future reference!

many thanks, Andy.

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