On Tue, 13 Jun 2017, Dianne Skoll wrote:


Something I and possibly others might find useful would be rules that
expire.  Quite often, we might make some very specific rules to handle
a particular spam run and they lose their effectiveness pretty quickly.
What if we did something like:

expire MYRULE_FOO 2017-09-01

or maybe

tflags MYRULE_FOO expire=2017-09-01

Then the file parser would ignore expired rules, and if expired rules
have already been parsed into memory from before they expired, the run-time
would skip them.


Dependencies. Rules that depend on expired rules would suddenly become invalid. That could be caught at lint time and avoid impacting a running system, but if the expiry is being checked and enforced dynamically at runtime as well that's a bit of a problem - either the rule goes invalid, or the dependency becomes an always-false (or always-true if the dependency is !negated).

Perhaps, for simplicity: expiry cannot be set on a rule that has other rules depending on it / you cannot use a rule having expiry in a META? Force that to be a lint-time check and avoid runtime complications.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
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  The reality of nuclear power: FUD too cheap to meter
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