On Tue, 13 Jun 2017, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

On 6/13/2017 1:13 PM, Dianne Skoll wrote:
>  Brilliant idea but how to keep that information from spammers?

 Would it matter?  Especially for private site rules.  I wouldn't advocate
 this for centrally-distributed rules

I don't think it would matter except that it's functionality in the centrally-distributed or publicly available rules would be lessened from the public information. It's an attack vector I would use as a bad guy.

I agree with you both. That expiry is implemented doesn't mean it needs to be used in the base rules, where spammers could leverage it.

I think the masscheck dynamically evaluating rules based on collected corpora is as close to rule expiry as the base rules need to come.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
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  a million is a statistic.              -- Joseph Stalin, modernized
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