On Wed, 14 Jun 2017 00:52:15 +0100
RW <rwmailli...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> If you want it to work that way it can be done in an external script
> in about 10 lines.


Yes.  I'm perfectly aware of that.

My point is that we can have hundreds of sysadmins writing hacky little
scripts that all do things slightly differently and making up directory
hierarchies of their own that mean nothing to anyone else, OR we could
have a standard, supported, maintained way to do it in SpamAssassin.

> If you want a rule, or rules, to expire on a specific day put it in a
> file that starts with "YYMMDD-" in a separate directory. The script
> just needs to deal with the expired files, warn about any badly named
> files and generate a file containing a list of include lines.

Why not do it properly, once, so everyone can benefit?  And not put the
burden on sysadmins who have to document all these little hacks for their



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