Troy Simpson wrote:
For base-level support, we narrowed that down to apache 2.2x.  Do we really
need to support all the python builds? They were a great service from D.J.
Heap, but now that we don't have that, do we really need to ditch all
windows builds?  What we could look at is a standard base-level windows
build that most people use.  Personally, I just use a windows client, as do
many users - I don't even use the apache bindings, nor do many windows
users.  We could leave specialised builds to teams who want to support them
which in theory would make the job at this end much easier.
Well, I, for one, would need the Apache 2.2 bindings but I do not need the Python bindings at all, which I suspect most users don't either.
So basic binaries with 2.2 support would be perfect for starters

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