On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Andy Levy <andy.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 16:30, Phil Pinkerton <pcpinker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 1) Does Tortoise  just send command to the Subversion Windows Command
>> Line client?
> No, it is not a wrapper. TortoiseSVN is built on top of the Subversion
> client libraries.
>> 2) Can the Tortoise and/or Subversion Windows Command Line client be
>> configured to reduce and/or eliminate with small pack CIFS traffic
>> that occurs during the check out process to a Windows network drive?
> No. The next-generation WC format (coming with 1.7) may improve
> performance, but Subversion checkout operations are very I/O
> intensive. Some filesystems handle it better than others.
>>     -maybe "trust" the check out and run an update status as a
>> separate operation to get the status information validated
>>     -turn off the status feature during the check out and then turn it on
> TortoiseSVN's TSVNCache by default does not check network drives.
>>     -other options (i.e. ini or xml) file the client use to turn the
>> client or other specific knowledge you have about the client we can
>> tune
>> 3) Are there options around the Export which is very fast but does not
>> write out any of the .svn file that we can use to speed up the client
>> and get our status information?
> Not if you want to maintain the connection to the repository.
>> 4) Is the another GUI Subversion client that has better performance
>> when content is being checked out to a Windows network drive.
> You won't find much variation, because they almost all use the same
> core libraries or code.
>> 5) Does Tortoise and/or Subversion Windows Command Line client
>> installed on the server allow multiple (i.e. 30 to 50) users accessing
>> the one installation at the same time to check out, check in, and
>> update content without corrupting content or experiencing great
>> performance degradation?
> Can you rephrase this? I can't tell if you're asking about 30 people
> logged onto one server (via Terminal Services/RDP?) simultaneously, or
> 30 people accessing the same repository from their individual
> workstations.
>> 6) Does Subversion other customers, example scripts or configurations
>> for using a Subversion client with Windows network dr
> Your question got cut off.
> Generally it's recommended that WCs not be located on network shares,
> partly for performance reasons, partly for practicality (IOW, why have
> dozens of copies of the same stuff on one fileserver, when you don't
> need it all backed up and it's 95% identical in the first place?).

5) Basically what I'd like to know is whether multiple instances of
the client running on the same machine maintain completely separate
data areas (i.e. - the separate instances don't interfere with each
other). If the code is re-entrant, then separate instances of the
commands will be complete separate from each other - the only thing
they share is the executable code.

6) Does Subversion other customers, example scripts or configurations
for using a Subversion client with Windows network drive?

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