On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 4:30 PM, Phil Pinkerton <pcpinker...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1) Does Tortoise  just send command to the Subversion Windows Command
> Line client?
> 2) Can the Tortoise and/or Subversion Windows Command Line client be
> configured to reduce and/or eliminate with small pack CIFS traffic
> that occurs during the check out process to a Windows network drive?
>     -maybe "trust" the check out and run an update status as a
> separate operation to get the status information validated
>     -turn off the status feature during the check out and then turn it on
>     -other options (i.e. ini or xml) file the client use to turn the
> client or other specific knowledge you have about the client we can
> tune
> 3) Are there options around the Export which is very fast but does not
> write out any of the .svn file that we can use to speed up the client
> and get our status information?

Check out to local disk, then directly copy that to a CIFS share. This
cuts the time for a 1 Gig working copy by a factor of 10. Maintaining
an upstream checkout repository that you can CIFS duplicate is also
feasible, but tricky if updates occur in the midst of copying.

CIFS is *not good* for Subversion checkouts of any significant size.
There is no available solution to this problem in the Subversion

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