> From: Johan Corveleyn

> I'm not sure. But there is another alternative: while we wait for
> FS-NG (or another solution like you propose), one could implement the
> "slow" algorithm within the current design. Just automating what a
> user (or script) currently does when looking for this information,
> i.e. a binary search.
> Of course it would be slow, but it would certainly already provide
> value. At the very least, it saves users a lot of time searching FAQ's
> and list archives, wondering why this doesn't work, understanding the
> design limitations, and then finally implementing their own script or
> doing a one-time manual search.
> Then, when FS-NG arrives, or someone comes up with a way to index this
> information, it can be "optimized".

A binary search requires that you know at least one rev where the file
existed. What if you know (from reading some note) that it did exist,
but not when? You can still do a search, but in the worst case you will
have to look at every single rev in the repo.


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