I am using Subversion 1.7.0. I wanted to exclude a directory from my working copy so I entered "svn update --set-depth exclude foodir". In the middle, I decided to cancel this operation. Now I'm in a state where some files under foodir are missing but SVN thinks all of the files are there. I tried to do a 'svn revert' and 'svn checkout' but nothing happens because it thinks the files are already there. 'svn status' thinks nothing has changed but 'svn ls' shows that some files/directories are missing from my working copy.

Prior to Subversion 1.7, I would have been able to simply remove the .svn directory /in that directory/ and check out the files again. But now, I have to remove the .svn directory at the top level and check out all of the files again. The repository is huge so I want to avoid that, and plus all of my timestamps on the files/directories would be updated which is undesirable. Is there a simpler workaround? Is it possible to just fix or just re-checkout the files for that directory?


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